2024-25 Membership Signup


    You are not logged in! You must be logged into the member's area to complete your league registration.

    Are you looking to become a member of the club?
    Please complete a New Member Request.  After your login access has been granted, you will then be able to log in, pay for your membership, and then register to play in our leagues.

     New Member Request

    Member Login

    Donate to the Broadmoor Curling Club

    Our Ice Location

    World Arena Ice Hall,
    3205 Venetucci Blvd.
    Colorado Springs, CO

    Contact Us

    4202 Round Hill Dr.
    Colorado Springs, CO 80922

    Email: president@coloradocurling.org

    We are a 501(c)3 Organization and member club
    of the United States Curling Association

    Help us make curling strong.